I never watched a single episode of the Kardashian show, but even
I knew who Bruce Jenner was: a guy that went slightly overboard on surgery and
married a person (and into a family) that must have been a proper nightmare to
be with, beside the athletic glory, that is! I knew far too little about him to
see or sense that there was a confused person behind that face although the
media had been mocking his apparent transition to a woman for years. As almost
everybody else, I never expected that to actually happen. Now that it did I am
beside myself with happiness because I well and truly believe this is a
groundbreaking event. Caitlyn Jenner is transforming the world like Bruce Jenner
could never have.
If people want it or not, this is a world in which transgender people are part of society. As an avid LGBT supporter I'm ecstatic that an occasion like that will further the discussion about their place in it. The fact is that people hate on everything, especially things that are out of the ordinary. For many years, all of them to be exact, being a transgender person was considered "being out of the ordinary". This will stop. At some point, being 16 and pregnant was out of the ordinary, and still today it's part of society as much as the selfie is. Caitlyn Jenner is a breakthrough now, but the acceptance of transgenderism will only increase until the inevitable happens: it will cease to be out of the ordinary to discuss gender identity.
If people want it or not, this is a world in which transgender people are part of society. As an avid LGBT supporter I'm ecstatic that an occasion like that will further the discussion about their place in it. The fact is that people hate on everything, especially things that are out of the ordinary. For many years, all of them to be exact, being a transgender person was considered "being out of the ordinary". This will stop. At some point, being 16 and pregnant was out of the ordinary, and still today it's part of society as much as the selfie is. Caitlyn Jenner is a breakthrough now, but the acceptance of transgenderism will only increase until the inevitable happens: it will cease to be out of the ordinary to discuss gender identity.
My personal thought about Caitlyn Jenner is the same thought I have about most things in life: Why the hell not? If that appearance and that identity makes her happy, I'm all for it. If she decides next week to live her life as a Kermit the Frog personification I'm also ok with that, too. Unless Caitlyn Jenner murders someone, or inflicts any kind of physical pain on someone, I'm not just accepting of that but encourage her behavior. Kudos for being yourself, God knows most people aren't and they don't even identify as the opposite gender. I know people who don't have the balls to admit they're not really that into God or like to listen to Taylor Swift, and when I say balls here I don't even mean the stereotype of having actual testicles. Caitlyn Jenner don't have them no more, still she' well and truly the most ballsy person we've seen in a long time.
I’m on top of the world for Caitlyn Jenner. If that’s what it took to feel good, good on you girl. I personally think that she looks way better as a woman which might be the result of numerous surgeries, but the end result is what matters to me, and that’s a mentally healthy, happy woman. GREAT! I just released myself from the shackles of a relationship which already had a liberating and positive influence on my life, I can only imagine what Caitlyn must finally be feeling. The support is way bigger than the hate, and it will only get better from now…
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